Toyota prius 3rd gen Sliding control ECU (R23)

Toyota prius 3rd gen Sliding control ECU (R23)

Toyota prius 3rd gen Sliding Roof Control ECU Assembly (R23)

R23 TERMINALS OF Sliding Roof Control ECU Assembly CONECTOR

Terminal No Symbol
(Pin Definition)
Wiring (Color Code)
& Color
Electrical Paths
1 B
LR1 8 2A 10 (IG) [S/ROOF] 30A Fuse
2 E (W-B)
LR1 7 L92 10 L92 7 ▼ L3 (Ground Point)
3 _ _
4 MPX1 (P)
LR1 13 4B 69 4A 20 3B 92 3B 80 2A 27 [Main Body ECU]
5 IG (B)
LR1 12 4B 72 4A 24 3B 88 3B 76 2B 16 (IG) [ECU–IG NO. 2] 10A Fuse
6 _ _
7 OPN (SB)
Sky Blue
LR1 51 UL1 2 U13 16 (OPN) [Map Light Assembly]
8 _ _
9 CLS (BR)
LR1 52 UL1 3 U13 2 (CLS) [Map Light Assembly]
10 _ _


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